Wednesday 15 July 2015

Magic body building

What is it?

Most people consider clenbuterol to be a steroid, but many do not know what it really is. Clenbuterol has been known to man since 3 decades now. It is part of the Beta 2 sympathomimetic drug class, and it was and still is very commonly used to treat asthma patients and those who suffer from other respiratory problems. It essentially acts as a smooth muscle relaxant making it easy for those to breathe who are suffering from various pulmonary diseases. Clenbuterol is used to refer to this drug generically, although it can be commonly seen in the market as Spiropent, Dilateral and Ventipulmin.

All that being said, it was only recently that another use for clenbuterol was discovered: it acts as a fat burning and muscle building agent!

Ability to enhance performance

After its recent discovery that it works to enhance performance and helps with the weight loss routine, people really started to take a keen interest in it. Not only that, but it also helps to built stamina so it proves to be very useful for athletes who have long workout routines cut out for them. All of that being said, after the heavy use of this drug by athletes of all areas came in notice, it became banned from worldwide athletic competitions. Not only that, but some athletes were also banned due to the use of clenbuterol results, while others were stripped off their titles. Alberto Contador was banned for two long years and fined when he tested positive for the use of this drug.

Popular in Hollywood

Naturally, the drug became very popular in Hollywood due to its weight loss ability, and many models and celebrities found a shortcut in the form of clenbuterol results to stay fit without going through all the trouble of diet and exercise. Soon, it started becoming popular as a quick weight loss solution as it helped to increase the body temperature, which in turn increases the metabolic rate, helping to burn down fat at a more rapid rate. Other than that, it also increases oxygen intake and the flow of oxygen, acting again as a stamina builder so you could follow through with your hectic workout routines to achieve your aim of being slim or having a body that all would see as perfect.

Side effects to look out for

All the weight reducing drugs, or any drugs for that matter, have side effects in store and so does clenbuterol. Most common among the many side effects that go by without you noticing are paranoia, nervousness and sometimes anxiety. What happens is that in your quest to lose weight and have the ideal body size there is, these side effects go unnoticed and are dismissed as something other than the side effects of this specific drug. Clenbuterol results are also known to cause sleeping problems amongst some individuals. But most side effects are not that severe and usually pass after sometime, although over usage can prove to be dangerous in rare cases.

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