Saturday 20 October 2018

Why is bodybuilding for women also important?

In the past female bodybuilding is discouraged and many say that women do not belong in bodybuilding. Many people also said that bodybuilding is only for men. Many women also think that it was not a feminine game. The reason is that they are not willing to bulk up their body like men. Nowadays the female bodybuilding is hot, and now females’ taking part seriously in the sports, their attitude to the game is changing, and it’s good for females too to build up their body.

Now the ladies are also taking up bodybuilding and fitness training at advanced and professional levels to tone their body. There are a large number of feminine bodybuilding contest around the world in which all types of body shaped girls are taking part.

All age group of ladies is now discovering and familiar with the benefits of a feminine body, beautiful shape, fit and toned body.

If you as a lady think that and hesitate taking part in bodybuilding because you are afraid of getting a body like men, you are wrong. The body structure and hormones of the female are different from the male; you can manage the bulk to put on your body. Many female bodybuilders can gain the results and able to build their soft body in to shape and toned muscles. They gain the results with the help of a balanced diet and an exercise routine. Just stop to compare yourself to the male builders while you are in the sports. Keep the focus on your desires and results not compare you to any other lady, each human body being body structure and needs are different from others. If you are not focused on to your routine you are leading yourself in to fail.

Males attract the toned body and well-balanced shape female. Your self-confidence matters a lot. You can boost your confidence levels by applying and adopting the bodybuilding skills. Never involve yourself into different statures between male and female. The feminine body never becomes big as a bulky male body.

You may feel better and great with the time pass; you feel more confident and can better control of yourself after involving into the world of bodybuilding.

It doesn’t matter you are tall or thin, bigger or slight bones; all types of body gain the results. It’s not the same for everyone; each human being needs and desires are different. Your body type reacts to the weight and stress differently in a different type of body. Genetics are also playing an important role in bulking up. If you have a small shaped body, you should start with lower weights. If you perform in the right way, it will not hurt you. If you have a large shaped body, then the medium weights are for you. Always adopt the correct method of exercise and the best positions to avoid injuries.

There are three types of bodybuilding practices for women to engage in for the results they need as per their body shape.

1. The first type of women needs a well shaped and toned body. They are willing to lose weight and become into a toned body. Bodybuilding is for them to perform for the results. By lifting weights, you can get in shape and the desired results.

2. Another type is the ladies who don’t want to be bulky and strong looks. Their needs ripped body and lean looks. They want to make a visible and hard physique. You can get the results by bodybuilding. You need to perform hard in the gym and a tight diet schedule for yourself to get the desired results of a sexy and feminine body of your dreams.

3. Many women want to build up muscles like men, they will never get muscles like men, but they can achieve the larger muscles as per their body frame. This type of group is the ladies who want to take part in the contests and want to show their bodybuilding abilities to the world. You need power building and a lot of calories in your diet to gain the results.

Wednesday 10 October 2018

Tips to Lose Weight for Women

If you are looking for the muscle gain by lifting weights and want some female bodybuilding weight loss tips, then you are welcome. Here are some helpful tips and tricks for you to get the desired results. There are some eating habits to adopt for increasing your metabolism to burn the fat in your body.

A balanced diet needed before going to lift weights for shedding the extra pounds on your body. Many of us are not familiar with the benefits of a diet with the exercise for getting the results fast.

While you have decided to lose weight, keep in mind never skip a meal in a day, it’s useless. By skipping meals, you involve your body is starving and diet, and the results are in some extra fats in your body.

Female bodybuilders are never skipping meals; they take a healthy and nutrient meal for their workout. Divide your meals into small portions to energize your body.
Make some diet plan for yourself and believe on that theory of dividing three full meals into six small portion meals are helpful and the food is the half of your journey to achieve the goals you need.

Your body needs a complete day to rebuild the muscle tissues, so your body is in need of energy all the day. If you have enough amount of protein in your body, it’s easy to help your body repair itself. So you are in need of protein after every 4 hours a day.

Drink a lot of water try at least eight glasses of water to consume in a day. Reduce the intake of caffeinated beverages or try to stop completely. By water intake, your body always hydrated and there are fewer chances of cramping up. Also helpful to burn more calories and helps to reduce weight, water is also helpful to eliminate the toxins in the human body.

Never try to lose weight quickly. If you are in a hurry, then you are compromising your health, and that’s not good. In women, the percentage of fat is higher than the men. The percentages in the male are 14 to 18 while in the female the percentage is 18 to 24. Losing one to two pounds a week is ideal. If you are losing more than that means you are losing your muscles not the fats.

Try to learn about the healthy foods and the proper exercise routine that is helpful for you to reduce the body fat and can help to produce muscle mass. I hope these guidelines are helpful for the ladies who are looking to reduce their weight and want to build some visible muscles on their body to look smarter and young.
It’s hard for working women to join some gym or physical training workshop so you can go for the alternative sources as the online training sessions you only need to perform with the trainer in front of your TV screen.

Keep in mind that the muscle gain and weight loss is time taking procedure so never discouraged if you are not seeing the results in the start days.